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Survivor programs are free 24-hour services provided by trained and certified staff to survivors of abuse, stalking or sexual violence.  A complete list of services is provided below.




A.V.C utilizes evidence based prevention programs for youth  such as SAFE Dates, Darkness to Light/Stewards of Children, OneLove and  Too Good for Violence.  Adults are provided with parenting support, utilizing 1-2-3 Magic.


​​Trauma Informed Care is an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma.  In 2015, A.V.C. scored a 3.9 out of a 4.0 on the trauma-informed practice scale administered through  Ohio Domestic Violence Network.  Additionally, staff are certified trauma practitioners through the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children.  Staff work to ensure that all survivors have access to services in an environment that is welcoming and inclusive and done so in a non-retraumatizing manner.


A.V.C. adheres to 5 core components  of a trauma-informed approach.  These include (1) providing survivors with information about the traumatic effects of abuse and/or violence; (2) adapting programs and services to meet survivors’ trauma- and mental health-related needs; (3) creating opportunities for survivors to discuss their responses to trauma; (4) offering resources and referrals to survivors; and (5) reflecting  our programs’ practice.


Trauma-Informed Care

Core Survivor Services

A.V.C. provides annual awareness events educating the community on services, survivor rights, and the impact of abuse and violence.  Training is provided to any group, and has included developing workplace policies that aid in safe working environments, to screening for domestic or sexual abuse.   A.V.C. facilitates local response teams which follow county procedures and reviews case outcomes.  



Emergency Shelter

Survivors and their children are provided with shelter until a solution for safe housing is in place.  During time in shelter, individuals and families will be provided related support services in order to gain independence.

Crisis intervention, support and counseling services are offered 24 hours a day by trained staff and volunteers.

24-Hour Crisis Line     888-816-1146


Court Advocacy

Support, assistance, education and advocacy are offered to survivors at any stage of the criminal justice process including post-sentencing.

Emergency Legal Advocacy

Survivors are assisted in petitioning for Civil Protection Orders and are offered support and education throughout the court proceedings.  A Civil Protection Order can be obtained even though no criminal charges were filed against the abuser.

Batterers Intervention, Anger Management and Parenting classes are provided.  Fees apply.

Safety Planning

Trained advocates aid survivors in the development of individually tailored safety plans.  

Legal Assistance

Legal assistance may be provided if civil remidies are needed as a direct result of victimization.  

Personal Advocacy

Assistance is provided in securing rights, remedies, and services from other county agencies to attin housing, jobs, food, WIC, Medicaird, utilities, emergency financial assitance, clothing and other needs.  

Support Groups

Groups are provided to survivors, helping them to understand issues surrounding abuse or sexual violence, nurturing healthy coping skills, and to provide additional supports by connecting with fellow survivors.  

Medical Advocacy

Staff specifically trained on issues of domestic and sexual violence provide information on medical needs, concerns and rights to survivors and their families.  Advocates provide accompaniment and support to victims during evidence collection and follow-up care.  

Community Advocacy Project (CAP)

CAP is a 7-10 week advocacy intervention program that is designed to assist survivors with advocacy interventions to keep themselves and their children safe.  Advocates will assist survivors in achieving prioritized goals they want to implement in their lives.   

Transportation and Cell Phones

Transportation may be provided to court hearings, other ageneis or shelter when needed.  Cell Phones may be provided to aid survivors with safety and in ensuring contact with local supports and agencies, via 9-1-1 or Verizon HopeLine cell phones.  

Information, Education and Referral

Advocates provide education on issues surrounding interpersonal and sexual violence.  Information and referrals are given to clients to address needs and provide options not available through A.V.C.

1-2-3 Magic Parenting Program

An evidence based parenting program is provided to parents who may have had their parenting styles undermined during abuse.  

Housing and Relocation 

Assistance may be provided to aid survivors and their families with housing needs, dependent on client's meeting criteria and available agency funding.

Not Sure about Your Rights as a Victim of Crime?  

Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center has a toolkit to help!

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